The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to declutter and reorganize your closet. A great way to do this is by hosting a virtual clothing swap! As you know, we are definitely team thrift! But we are also aware that due to overconsumption and the massive amount of clothing being purchased on a daily basis, the majority of the clothing donated to the thrift store will not be sold. Much of it will end up in a landfill. So before you donate, channel your inner teenage girl and swap clothes with your friends! Here are some easy steps for how to do this.
Step 1: Invite your friends (and/or family) to participate.
Remember most people have multiple sizes in their closets, so if you wear a size 12 that doesn't mean the other participants must wear a size 12 as well. Invite the fun crowd!
Step 2: Set a time and date. Select the best virtual platform to use for the group.
The group should be 3-4 people. Since it's a virtual clothing swap, you have more flexibility with time and date. You can use platforms like FaceTime, Zoom, or Google Duo.
Step 3: Select the items you want to swap. Try to find between 8-10 items. If you have more, even better!
Be honest with yourself. What are you holding onto that needs to go? What are you not wearing? What no longer fits? What's no longer in style? The goal is to have a closet full of items you love to wear. Let someone else love what you're not wearing.
Step 4: On Swap Day, take turns showing items. If you want to take it a step further, have a mini fashion show and model the items for each other.
Get your model on sis! It's always nice to see merchandise on a person when selecting what you want.

Step 5: Send out the claimed items or arrange a masked up meet up to exchange. Also, donate anything that wasn't claimed.
Try to get the items to each other as quickly as possible. Mail them immediately or drop them off right away. Times flies. If you don't, you'll look up and 2 months have passed. Donate unclaimed items right away as well.
Cheers to being the person with a closet full of clothes you love to wear!
] Aiwipice
] Ebihiicij
] Ahoulaalu
] Iibeke
] Ujuzete
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