Our Story


 With the help of one very dedicated student in my high school fashion marketing class and a lot determination, I launched Pulchritude on October 11, 2012. Although I was excited about the opportunity to own a fashion business, I never wanted Pulchritude to simply be about selling clothes. I want to use fashion as a vehicle to affect positive change in the lives of young girls and women both locally and globally. The goal for Pulchritude has always been business as mission.


Pulchritude [n]: extraordinary physical beauty; that quality of appearance which pleases the eye.


Since our original launch we have learned a great deal about fast fashion, slow fashion, fair trade, sustainability, textile waste, and the negative impact that the fashion industry has on the environment. The fashion industry is the 2nd most polluting industry behind the oil industry. In an effort to do our part to help reduce the amount of textile waste that ends up in landfills, we decided to begin selling preloved merchandise to our customers. The issue of sustainability in the fashion industry is multilayered and complex. We believe that if we all make small adjustments to our consumption and become more conscious consumers, we can make a great impact.