Meet the Models Series: Lindsay Slaughter (2 min read)

I met Lindsay at church. She probably doesn't know this but I had been admiring her from afar. Her style is dope. She wears cool glasses all the time and sports some amazing tattoos. And being an avid thrifter myself, I could tell right away that she was also a thrifter. I was immediately drown to her style and confidence. So I approached her one day and asked if she'd be interested in modeling for Pulchritude. I was so THRILLED when she said yes. She's an incredible wife and mom and has a heart for children in foster care. 
  • Hometown? Knoxville, TN
  • Occupation? Photographer
  • Something you're working on. How can we support you? You can support me by supporting those involved in foster care in all aspects, including birth parents. As far as current projects, I'm drowning in learning to be a virtual teacher 😭.

  • Favorite movie from the 90s? Superstar
  • A book you're currently reading? The Road Back To You by Ian Morgan Cron
  • One of your favorite clothing items in your closet? Classic Dr. Martens
  • Complete the sentence: "I feel most beautiful when..." My hair is done and I'm in jeans and tee.
  • One thing you've done that you're super proud of? I was a combat photographer.
  • Song title that describes your life right now? Last Resort by Papa Roach

  • One piece of fashion advice to share with our readers? Wear what fits your body and makes you feel good. Let go of those goal jeans. Embrace YOU NOW. Buy good quality. Thrift for the good stuff. Love your self enough to take the time. Love the earth enough to support slow fashion. 
  • Name a woman you admire and why. Ericka Symonette for bringing so many women together to share a common goal. She’s an amazing woman and mother who loves God and doesn’t have to sacrifice either one to be successful. She sets such a great example for all of us. 
  • Something you wish every woman knew? How beautiful the world sees them.


You can connect with Lindsay by visiting her photography website, Lindsay Slaughter Photography, by clicking here.


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