allow me to introduce you...

Welcome to ScriboTUDE, the Pulchritude blog!

Never heard of the word scribotude? That's because I made it up. :-)
It's inspired by the latin word scribo which means 'I write' and the word pulchritude. 
On the blog, our team will be sharing about all the things - fashion and style, sustainable living, great products, restaurants, places to visit, business, family, friendship, anything pulchritudinous, and occasionally Beyonce. :-)
From time to time we'll also have some guest writers share with you so you can hear from different voices. We know some really dope women doing some really DOPE things!
We hope you enjoy ScriboTUDE!


think different, shop different.



  • Kelly Alvarez

    I’m ready for the reads!!😍

  • Deena Poythress

    Ok you got me. 🤣 I thought it was a real word. Can’t wait to see the content that will be coming!

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